Colorado AFCC The Colorado Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts |
Resources Association for Conflict Resolution. ACR is a professional organization dedicated to enhancing the practice and public understanding of conflict resolution. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. AFCC is an interdisciplinary and international association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children an families through the resolution of family conflict. Boulder Interdisciplinary Committee. The Boulder IDC is a non-profit organization of mental health professionals, attorneys, and mediators working in the areas of parental responsibility. Its purpose is to promote professions involved in helping children and parents through the process of divorce. Colorado Bar Association. Colorado Legal Services. CLS provides assistance for low-income Coloradans seeking legal assistance and Colorado legal advocates. Colorado Council of Mediators and Mediation Organizations. CCMO is dedicated to providing leadership and support to the mediation profession, and information to the public. Colorado Judicial Branch. Self Help Center. This site is intended to assist laypersons in learning about Colorado Rules & Laws, case filing requirements, available services in Colorado & general information to assist them in representing themselves in court matters. Colorado Courts. Metropolitan Denver Interdisciplinary Committee. The MDICis a non-profit organization of mental health professionals, attorneys, and mediators working in the areas of parental responsibility. Its purpose is to promote professions involved in helping children and parents through the process of divorce. Up to Parents. This is a free, confidential, and interactive website for divorcing and divorced parents at or, for never-married parents, at CFI News (December 2011): Child and Family Investigators Pursuant to CRS 14-10-116.5 was amended again
and was adopted and made effective as of 11.30.11 by Chief Justice Bender. The JDF
1318 form (Order Appointing Child and Family Investigator) was also revised to Highlights of the new CFI Chief Justice Directive: • Establishes guidelines for appointment of CFIs This list is not intended to be inclusive of all changes. CFIs should review the amended Chief Justice Directive carefully. For more information contact Bill DeLisio at 303-837-3623 or at